Salut Olivier
Simgears seems to work straight with DCS, so why try to make it go through BMS and DCStoF4?
What happens if you don't launch BMS, does your DED work with DCS?
Maybe a question to ask Simgears is how you can manually force their DED to work with DCS or BMS and ignore the other one depending if you want to go straight with DCS or go to DCS while going through DCStoF4 and BMS
I don't know their software but I guess in your configuration their hardware receives input from both sim at the same time which sends it to the moon or something 
Thank you for your reply Red Dog,
Yes, SimGears DED works beautifully well with DCS when BMS is not running.
SimGears DED works also beautifully well with BMS when DCS is not running.
That fulfils, I guess, what 99% of customers need.
A couple of months ago, when both DCS and BMS were running in parallel, DEDHub.exe crashed.
Upon customer request, SimGears dev team improved they DEDHub.exe and hard coded a BMS priority when both Sims are running in parallel.
I was secretly hoping that this customer was someone from Viperpits community using DCStoF4 and that he managed to get SimGears DED running through BMS=>DCStoF4=>DCS. (Who else would like to run both sims at the same time on the same PC ;-)
As you proposed, I asked SimGears if they can let the user decide which Sim has the priority when both are running in parallel, with for instance, a command line such as 'DEDHub.exe -dcs_prio'.
This way, I might be able to use SimGears DED directly with DCS as you mentioned, without going through BMS shared memory, etc...
SimGears promptly answered that they will look into it.
I'll keep the forum informed in case it can help someone else with the SimGears DED.