General discussion, User presentation & Admin > Site issues and Suggestions



The old forum site had a link on the homepage to make donations. I don't see that anywhere now. Am I missing something? :countingmoney:

Maybe it's only up when the site is actively fundraising?

The old "Donate" tab was temporarily disabled, when a problem arose with the paypal payment system.

It will return to the forum as a tab after the new year. The site has more than enough funds to last until then. Our members have been very generous in the past whenever we have needed additional funds.

As you know, the Viperpits site has never charged a membership fee. We depend upon voluntary donations to pay for the server time, licenses, and software enhancements / upgrades. Most of the real work on the forum is from members contributing their questions and building experience for the benefit of all. You guys are the greatest!

No, you are. Well, so is Kukki.

Moderators and members are all the greatest. A fantastic group of people.  :ThumbsUp:


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