Binding the 26 OSBs can be done in BMS of course for any key, but not for CPD functions.
BMS still does not have a CPD version build in, so we are still dependent on 3rd party software.
Since I use pokeys there is no DX binding option into a Pokeys switch matrix (or is there?)
It's great that Bodnar can emulate DX in a matrix, you might want to use PSUpdate V1.0.3, check BMS forum.
PSUpdate V1.0.3 works with DX keybindings only for the CPD...and it looks so great but I can't use it because of that.
So I hope a future update might make it possible to use keystroke bindings.
Perhaps I should be using Helios, but I just can't get my head around how to use the CPD in there
, my mfd's are working fine on Helios.
Let's also not forget the ATD, there is one in Yame and another in older MFD exporter program.
Yame64 still works fine here in limited functionality in 4.37u4
So for now I stick with Yame64 for ATD + CPD.